About NooK Build Posters
Inspire, create, imagine… with the NooK Build Posters
All the NooK Play Sofa build ideas in two heavy duty double-sided posters that will stand the test of time!
The NooK isn’t just a sofa. It’s a racing car… and a cruise ship… and a snow plough… and a sleepover bed… and a town hall. Build all of these and more with the NooK Build Poster – your ultimate source of build inspiration.
The NooK Build Posters are cello glazed for long life and measure 42cm x 60cm. Pop them on the playroom wall or keep them handy for when the kids say, ‘Let’s Build Something!’
Our build ideas are just the beginning. The NooK is truly open-ended for imaginative and creative play. If you can imagine it, you can create it with the NooK.